Adams J.
Gnarly Buttons
Albinoni T.
- Adagio
Alessandrescu A.
“Acteon”, poem simfonic
Alessandrescu A.
- “Acteon”, poem simfonic
Anderson L.
- A Christmas Festival
- Sleigh Ride
- Song of the bells
- Fiddle Faddle
- The belle of the ball
Arensky A.
Variations on a theme from Tchaikovsky, op.35a
Arensky A.
- Variations on a theme from Tchaikovsky, op.35a
Arutjunian A.
Concerto for trumpet
Atterberg K.
Suite nr.3 for violin, viola and strings
Bach C.Ph.E.
- Concerto for cello
Bach J. S.
- Brandenburg concerto n°1, BWV 1046
- Brandenburg concerto n°3, BWV 1048
- Brandenburg concerto n°5, BWV 1050
- Suite n°1 , BWV 1066
- Concerto for violin n°1 in a minor BWV 1041
- Concerto for violin n°2 in e major BWV 1042
- Concerto for two violins BWV 1043
- Concerto for harpsichord,n°1, BWV 1052,D minor
- Concerto for harpsichord,n°5, BWV 1056,F minor
- Concerto for two harpsichords, BWV 1060
- Concerto for three harpsichords,n°1, BWV 1063
Baldassare P.
Concerto n°2 for trumpet and orchestra
Barber S.
- Adagio for strings
La ronde des lutins
Beethoven L.
- The Symphony n°1
- The Symphony n°2
- The Symphony n°3
- The Symphony n°4
- The Symphony n°5
- The Symphony n°6
- The Symphony n°7
- The Symphony n°8
- The Symphony n°9
- Concerto for piano n°2
- Concerto for piano n°3
- Concerto for piano n°4, op.58
- Concerto for piano n°5
- Concerto for violin, op.61
- Choral Fantasy op.80
- Overture Coriolan
- Overture Egmont
- Ouverture Leonore n°3
- Overture « Consecration of the House » op.124
- Overture « The Ruins of Athens » op.113
- Ouverture König Stephan op.117
- Cvartet op.131 (excerpt)
Berlioz H.
Roman Carnival
Symphonie Fantastique
Bernstein L.
- Candide: ouverture
- Candide: « Glitter and be gay »
- West side story (symphonic dances)
Bizet G.
- Petite suite from Jeux d’enfants
- L’Arlésienne (Suites n°1 and 2)
- Symphony n°1, C major
- Carmen suite
Boccherini L.
Ritirata notturna di Madrid
Böhme O.
Concerto for trumpet
Borodin A.
Polovtsian dances
In the steppes of central Asia
Symphony n°2
Bourne O.
Horn Concerto
Brahms J.
The Symphony n°1
The Symphony n°2
The Symphony n°3
The Symphony n°4
Tragische Ouverture
Concerto for violin
Hungarian dances nos.1,5,6
Haydn Variations
Serenade n°1, op.11
Double Concerto op.102
Piano concerto n°1, op.15
Piano concerto n°2, op.83
Brediceanu T.
Floricica de pe apa
Bruch M.
Concerto for violin n°1
Concerto for violin n°2
Double concerto for clarinet and viola, op.88
Bruckner A.
- Symphony n°3
Buciu D.
Cristiane (versiunea 2)
Bughici D.
Concerto for trumpet
Caccini G.
- Ave Maria
Cassado G.
Sonata in the old Spanish Style
Chabrier E.
- Espana
- Habanera
Chopin F.
- Piano concerto n°1, op.11
- Piano concerto n°2, op.21
- Variations “La ci darem la mano”
- Andante spianato et grande polonaise
Ciortea T.
- Simfonia Silvana
Constantinescu P.
- Concerto for strings
- Cantec vechi
Copland A.
- Rodeo: Four dance episodes
- El salon México
- Clarinet concerto
- Fanfare for the Common Man
Corelli A.
- Concerto grosso op.6 n°3
- Concerto grosso op.6 n°8
- Concerto grosso op.6 n°9
Daisuke S.
- Kibou (speranza) – Requiem for victims of the earthquake on 11 March 2011
Danceanu L.
- Symconcertphony op.175
Debussy C.
- La Mer – Trois Esquisses symphoniques
- Prélude à l’après midi d’un faune
- Petite suite
Dediu D.
- Motto Studien
- Frenezia 2
Delibes L.
- Coppelia (orchestra suite)
Devienne F.
- Concerto for flute
Dimitrescu C.
- Serenada romana
- Dans taranesc
- Hora staccato
Doni V.
- Dans
Donizetti G.
- Sinfonia per i fiati
Doppler F.
- Andante and rondo op.25
- Fantaisie pastorale hongroise op.26
Dukas P.
- L’apprenti sorcier
- Symphonie en ut
- La Peri - fanfare
Dumitrescu I.
- Preludiu Simfonic
Dupin M. O.
- Variations sur La Traviata
- Concerto for viola
Dvorak A.
- The Symphony n°6, op.60
- The Symphony n°7, op.70
- The Symphony n°8, op.88
- The Symphony n°9, op.95
- Carnival Ouverture op.92
- Concerto for violoncello,op.104
- Waldesruhe for cello, op.68
- Concerto for violin op.53
- Slavonic dances op.72, n°1,2,5,7
- Slavonic dances op.46, n°1,2,8
- Prague Walses in D major
- Serenade op.44
- Serenade op.22
- The golden spinning wheel, op.109
- Slavonic Rhapsodie n°1
- Humoresque
Elgar E.
- Enigma Variations, op.36
- Cello concerto, op.85
- Serenade for strings, op.20
- Sospiri, op.70
- Elegy, op.58
- Salut d’amour
- Dream children, op.43
Ellington D.
- Fantasy Arr. by R.Hermann
Enescu G.
- Rhapsody n°1
- Rhapsody n°2
- Symphony n°1
- Suite pour orchestre n°1, op.9
- Caprice roumain pour violon et orchestre (orch : C.Taranu)
- Poème roumain op.1
- Dixtuor op.14
- Balada pour violon et orchestre
Escaich T.
- Magic circus
Falla M.
- El sobrero de tres picos (Suite N°2)
Fauré G.
- Pavane
- Elegie for cello and orchestra
- Pelleas et Melisande, suite op.80
Fontaine B.
- Traveling, autour d’un film imaginaire for violon and orchestra
Franck C.
- The Symphony in d minor
Freitas B.
- Suite alentejana n°1
Garcia A. A.
- “Concieto de las tierras altas” for cello and orchestra
Gershwin G.
- Cuban Ouverture
- The Rhapsody in blue
- Girl Crazy Arr. by Robert McBride
- An america in Paris
- Embraceable You
Ginastera A.
- Estancia : Four Dances, op.8a
Giuliani M.
- Concerto for guitar
Glazunov A.
- Violin concerto
Gluck C. W.
- Iphigenie in Aulis Ouverture
Goldmark K.
- Violin concerto
Golestan S.
- Concerto moldav
Gounod C.
- Faust: ballet music
- Marche funèbre d’une marionette
- Petite symphonie
- Symphony nr.1
Grieg E.
- “Peer Gynt” – Suites n°1,op.46 and n°2,op.55
- Two elegiac melodies op.34
- Suite Holberg op.40
- Symphonic dances op.64
- Concerto for piano op.16
Grigoriu G.
- “Muzica”
Haendel G. F.
- Watermusic
Haydn J.
- The Symphony n°30
- The Symphony n°49 "La passione"
- The Symphony n°60 “Il distratto”
- The Symphony n°85
- The Symphony n°92 “Oxford”
- The Symphony n° 94 “Surprise”
- The Symphony n°98
- The Symphony n°100 “Military”
- The Symphony n° 101 “The Clock”
- The Symphony n° 102
- The Symphony n° 103 “Drum Roll”
- The Symphony n° 104
- Seven last words of Christ (orchestral version)
- Concerto for two horns and orchestra
- Concerto for piano in F
- Concerto for piano n°11, in D
- Concerto nr.1 for cello, in C
- Concerto nr.2 for cello, in D
- Divertimento in D pour cello
- “Nelson” Messe, Hob.XXII:11
- Ouverture "Il ritorno di Tobia"
- Pops Hoe-Down
Holst G.
- Suite "St.Paul"
Holten B.
- Gaudy Pageant
Hubay J.
- Heire Kati
Hübler H.
- Concerto for 4 horns and orchestra
Ibert J.
- Flute concerto
Iorgulescu A.
- Concerto for flute
- Concerto for clarinet
Ireland J.
- Sonata for cello and strings
Ivanovici I.
- Valurile Dunarii
Jisoo L.
- Arirang Rhapsody
Joplin S.
- Entertainer
Jora M.
- Suita "La piata"
Kabalevsky D.
- Cello concerto nr.1
Khachaturian A.
- Violin concerto
- Spartacus (ballet excerpts)
Kirculescu N.
- Moment muzical
Kodaly Z.
- Dances of Galanta
- Dances of Marosszek
Korsakov R.
- Scheherazade op.35
- La grande pâque russe
Kozeluch L.
Concerto for Piano 4 hands in B flat
Lalo E.
- Namouna (Suite de ballet n°1)
- Symphonie espagnole
Lazar F.
- Le ring
- Mattinata
Lipatti D.
- Concerto in classical style, op.3
- Suita Şătrarii
Liszt F.
- Les Preludes
- Tasso, Symphonic Poem n°2, S.96
- Hungarian Rhapsody no.2
- Concerto for piano n°1
- Concerto for piano n°2
- Totentanz
- My fair lady: Ouverture; n°10 : « I could have danced all night »
Lyadov A.
- Baba Yaga op.56
- Kikimora, op.63
Mahler G.
- Symphony n°1
- Symphony n°4
Marcello B.
- Concerto for oboe
Marsalis W.
- A Fiddler’s Tale
Massenet J.
- Méditation de Thaïs
Mendelssohn F.
- Concerto for violin in E minor
- Concerto for violin in D minor
- Concerto for piano n°1,op.25
- Double concerto for piano and violin
- The Symphony n°1
- The Symphony n°2
- The Symphony n°4
- Midsummernight’s dream op.21
- Der Heimkehr aus dem Fremde - Ouverture
- Athalia - Ouverture
- The symphony nr.10 for strings
Mercadante S.
- Concerto for flute in E-minor
Messiaen O.
- Les offrandes obliées
Monti V.
- Csardas
Mozart L.
- Sinfonia pastorella
Mozart W. A.
- The Symphony n°2,K.17
- The Symphony n°4,K.19
- The Symphony n°17,K.129
- The Symphony n°20,K.133
- The Symphony n°29,K.201
- The Symphony n°30,K.202
- The Symphony n°31,K.297 ”Paris”
- The Symphony n°32,K.318
- The Symphony n°34, K.338
- The Symphony n°35,K.385 “Haffner”
- The Symphony n°36,K.425 “Linz”
- The Symphony n°38,K.504
- The Symphony n°39,K.543
- The Symphony n°40,K.550
- The Symphony n°41,K.551 “Jupiter”
- Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, K.525
- Adagio and Fugue k.546
- Divertimenti k.136,137,138
- Divertimento n°11, k.251
- Serenade k. 361 “Gran Partita”
- Serenade nr.6, k. 239
- Masonic funeral music K.477
- Church Sonata nr.13, k.328
- Ouverture “Le nozze di Figaro”
- Ouverture “The magic Flute”
- Ouverture “La finta giardiniera”
- Ouverture “The impressario”, k.486
- Ouverture “Lucio Silla”, k.135
- Concerto for violin n°2 K.211
- Concerto for violin n°3 K.216
- Concerto for violin n°4 K.218
- Concerto for violin n°5 K.219
- Concerto for violin n°7 K.271a
- Concerto for piano,n°9 K. 271
- Concerto for piano n°11, K.413
- Concerto for piano n°12, K.414
- Concerto for piano n°14, K.449
- Concerto for piano n°15, K.450
- Concerto for piano n°20, K. 466
- Concerto for piano n°21, K.467
- Concerto for piano n°23, K. 488
- Concerto for piano n°24, K. 491
- Concerto for piano n°27, K. 595
- Concerto for two pianos K. 365
- Concerto for three pianos K. 242
- Concerto for flute n°1 K.313
- Concerto for flute n°2, K.314
- Concerto for oboe K.314
- Concerto for bassoon K.191
- Concerto for horn n°1 K.412
- Concerto for horn n°3 K.447
- Concerto for horn n°4 K.495
- Concerto for clarinet K.622
- Sinfonia concertante K.364
- Rondo for violin k.373
- Andante for flute k.315
Munteanu V.
- Glasurile Putnei
- Intoarceri la Blaga
Muresianu I.
- Uvertura “Stefan cel Mare”
Mussorgsky M.
- Pictures at an Exhibition (Ravel)
- Pictures at an Exhibition (orchestration: Arieh Levanon)
- Pictures at an Exhibition for piano and orchestra(arr.:Lawrence Leonard)
- Night on Bald Mountain
Negrea M.
- Prin muntii Apuseni, op.20
Nielsen C.
- Symphony n°1 op.7
- Symphony n°2 op.16 “The four temperaments”
- Symphony n°4 op.29 “The Inextinguishable”
- Ouverture Maskarade
- Ouverture op.17 Helios
- Aladdin, Seven Pieces from Incidental Music op.34
- Flute concerto
Ochanitzky R.
- Concert de camera pentru pian, percutie si suflatori
Offenbach J.
- Les contes d’Hoffmann : Barcarole
Olah T.
- Symphony nr. 1
Orban G.
- Feuilles d’album
Paganini N.
- Violin concerto n°1, op.6
- Violin concerto n°2, op.7 “La campanella”
- "Moses" variations for cello and orchestra
Penderecki K.
- Concerto grosso for three celli
Piazolla A.
- Aconcagua : concerto for bandoneon (transcription for viola)
- Double concerto for guitar and bandoneon
- “The four seasons” for violin and string orchestra
- Three tangos for guitar, bandoneon and string orchestra
- Oblivion
- Gran tango for viola and strings
- Romance del diablo
- Escualo
- Allegro tangabile
- Three pieces for cello and strings
Popper D.
- Requiem for 3 celli and orchestra, op.66
Poulenc F.
- Concerto for two pianos and orchestra in d minor
Prokofiev S.
- Classical symphony, op.25
- Romeo and Juliet, suites n°1 and n°2
- Violin concerto n°2
- Sinfonia concertante for cello, op.125
- Piano concerto nr.3, op.26
- Peter and the wolf
Rachmaninov S.
- Concerto for piano n°2
- Concerto for piano n°4
- Rhapsody on a theme by Paganini
- The Symphonie n°2, op.27
- The isle of the dead op.29
- Symphonic Dances op.45
Ravel M.
- Bolero
- La valse
- Concerto for piano, G major
- Shéhérazade
- Daphnis et Chloé -suite n°2
- Le tombeau de Couperin
- Ma mère l’oye
- Alborada del gracioso
- Introduction and allegro for harp and chamber orchestra
- Tzigane
Reger M.
- Konzert im alten Stil, Op.123
Respighi O.
- Trittico botticelliano
- Antiche danze ed arie (suite n.3)
- Adagio con variazioni
Richter P.
- Trei fantezii romanesti
Rodgers R.
- The sound of music – suite
Roman V.
- Sinfonietta
Rosauro N.
- Concerto n°2 for marimba and orchestra
Rossini G.
- Ouverture La gazza ladra
- Ouverture Semiramide
- Ouverture La Scala di Seta
- Ouverture Wilhelm Tell
- Ouverture Italiana in Algeri
Rota N.
- Three excerpts from “The God Father”
- Cello concerto n°2
Saint-Saëns C.
- Concerto for violoncello n°1,op.33
- Concerto for violin no.3, op.61
- Concerto for piano no.2, op.22
- Concerto for piano no.5, op.103
- Introduction et Rondo Capriccioso, op.28
- Danse macabre, op.40
- Le carnaval des animaux
- Symphony nr.3, op.78
Salieri A.
- Sinfonia veneziana
Sarasate P.
- Zigeunerweisen op.20
Schnittke A.
- Viola concerto
Schostakovitsch D.
- The Symphony n°9
- The Symphony n°1
- The Symphony n°5
- Violin concerto op.99
- Cello concerto n°1
- Piano concerto n°1, op.35
- Prelude and Scherzo op.11
Schubert F.
- Overture Rosamunde
- Overture In the Italyan style, D major, D.590
- Overture In the Italyan style, C major, D.591
- The Symphony n°2, D.125
- The Symphony n°4, D.417
- The Symphony n°5, D.485
- The Symphony n°6. D.589
- The Symphony n°9 The great
Schumann R.
- Concerto for piano
- Concerto for violin
- Concerto for cello
- Ouverture, scherzo and finale
- The symphony n°4, op.120
- Five pieces in folk style, op.102
Séjourné E.
- Vibraphone Concerto
Sibelius J.
- Valse triste
- Concerto for violin
- Oceanides op.73
- Impromtu for strings
Silvestri C.
- Three pieces for strings
Smetana B.
- The bartered bride : Polka
- Viltava
Stamitz K.
- Concerto for flute
Strauss J.
- An der schönen blauen Donau
- Ohne Sorgen
- Vergnügungszug
- Unter Donner und Blitz
- Auf der Jagd
- Polka pizzicato
- Neue pizzicato polka
- « Klipp-Klapp », galopp
- « Stadt und Land »,Polka Mazurka
- « Sphärenklänge », Walzer
- Bauern Polka
- Frühlingsstimmen
- Keiser Walzer
- Tritsch-Tratsch Polka
- Persischer Marsch
Strauss R.
- Concerto for horn n°1
- Don Juan
- Till Eulenspiegel
- Death and transfiguration, op.24
- Serenade for wind instruments op.7
- Rosenkavalier (excerpts)
- Rosenkavalier Suite
- Burleske
Strawinsk I.
- Concerto for violin in D
- Suite n°2 for small orchestra
- Concerto in D for string orchestra
- Histoire du soldat
- Dumbarton Oaks
- Le sacre du printemps
- Fire bird (1919)
- Scherzo fantastique op.3
Stroe A.
- Mandala
Suppé F.
- Beautiful Galathea Ouverture
- Light Cavalry Ouverture
Tabakova D.
- Concerto for cello
Taranu C.
- Concerto breve 2
Tchaikovsky P. I.
- The Symphony n°4
- The Symphony n°5
- The Symphony n°6
- The “Manfred” Symphony
- Capriccio italien, op.45
- Romeo and Julliette
- Ouverture 1812
- Suite n°1, op.43
- Suite n°3, op.55
- Suite n°4 “Mozartiana”
- “Nutcracker”-Suite n°1
- Sleeping beauty - suite
- Marche slave op.31
- Serenade op.48 for strings
- Concerto for violin
- Concerto for piano n°1
- Variations on a rococo theme, op.33
- Sérénade mélancolique, op.26
- Valse-scherzo, op.34
- Souvenirs d’un lieu cher, op.42
Telemann G. F.
- Concerto in D for trumpet
- Suite in a TWV 52a
Teodorescu-Ciocanea L.
- Mysterium tremendum 2
Terényi E.
- Purcell Epitaph
Toduta S.
- Concerto for trumpet
Ulpiu V.
- Inscriptii în inimi (simfonia brevis)
- Sonoritati si anemone 3 – Concert pentru vioara, violoncel si orchestra de coarde
- Ashokan Farewell
Verdi G.
- La forza del destino – Ouverture
Vieuxtemps H.
- Souvenir d’Amerique “Yankee Doodle Var.”
Vivaldi A.
- Concerto for two horns, P.321
- Concerto for two violins, op.3, n°8, P.2
- Concerto for cello (orch:Paul Bazelaire)
- The four seasons
- Concerto “Paris”, RV 121
Voiculescu D.
- Codex Caioni
Wagner R.
- Overture Tannhäuser
- Ouverture Tristan and Isolde
- Siegfried idyll
Walton W.
- Concerto for viola
Weber C. M.
- Ouverture Freischutz
- Ouverture Euryanthe
- Ouverture Oberon
- Ouverture Peter Schmoll
- Andante e rondo ungarese
Webern A.
- Passacaglia op.1
Wieniawski H.
- Violin concerto n°1, op.6
- Violin concerto n°2, op.7 “La campanella”
Williams J.
- Theme from SCHINDLER’S LIST for solo violin and orchestra
- Star Wars – orchestra suite
Wolf H.
- Italian Serenade
Zimmermann A.
- Sinfonia pastoritia